Oct 7 2010
Listening to music while doing homework: Jericho Asi
Paraphrase: Sophomore Jericho Asi says he has to listen to music when he is doing his homework because it helps him concentrate. Even though his parents disagree with him.
Quote: "I know my parents think I shouldn't be listening to music but for me it helps me concentrate. So I got to have music when I'm doing my homework," Asi says.
Curfews: Ashlie Peters
Paraphrase: Senior Ashlie Peters says having curfew is a terrible thing and if you have curfew than your just part of a baby clan.
Quote: "Curfew is wack! The only people who have curfews is people that are part of the baby clan. Thank you lord I ain't gotta curfew," Peters says.
School Uniforms: Heti Lefano
Parapharse: Heti Lefano says that he has been to a school with uniforms and he hates it very much. He's glad that he goes to a school to where he can be himself and his mom doesn't have to waste money on uniforms.
Quote: "Man, I've been to a school with uniforms and i hate it with a passion. My mom spends more money on uniforms than food. Dang! I'm happy I don't go there anymore cause now I can just be myself in my own clothes," Lefano says.
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